• Sapin de noel
    Grande variété de sapin de noel de différente grandeur
Christmas tree charter


The Christmas tree domain is a field where experience
and innovation make all the difference for a successful
relationship with the buyers.

The growing technics are essential for obtaining
a quality product at a competitive cost of production.

Furthermore, the on time deliveries and the after sale services
are both absolutely indispensable to keep a customer satisfied.

At Plantations Nicholas, our solid roots in the domain allow us to well balance all these factors and keep an eye on the trees of the future.

Recolte sapin Gros sapin

Become part of a winning team.

Fier partenaire de :
UPA Union des producteurs agricoles Recrutement international de main-d’oeuvre étrangère inc APANQ l'Association des producteurs d'arbres de Noël du Québec MAPAQ Agriculture, Pêcheries et Alimentation Québec
© Plantations Nicholas | All rights reserved.